Strategy. Instructional design. Delivery. 


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Wondering what platform you should host your online course on? We’ve reviewed & compiled a list of online course platforms to give you all the information you need.

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Wondering how to understand your students better, increase engagement, and improve your course? Collecting student feedback is key, and here’s how to do it.

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Did you know that average course completition rates stagger around 15% and the overwhelming majority of online students never finish the course?  You may be thinking:  “They already bought the course, so what does it matter if they finish it?”  The truth is, even though your course launch revenue may not be impacted right now, […]

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Wondering if you should hire a DFY course creator to launch your next online course? Read this blog post to find out how it works and if it’s right for you.

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Don’t know where to start on creating an online course? Get a proven step-by-step process with this comprehensive course creation checklist.

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Working on launching an online course to grow your business revenue? Here are 9 strategies to craft an effective course outline.

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Do you want to create an online course but don’t know what toos to use? Here are my favorite course creation tools, including budget-friendly options.

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Online courses. Everyone in the online space has released one, and I don’t blame you if you want a piece of the action.  And you know what? I am here for it. Creating and launching an online course is one of an entrepreneur’s best decisions. Let me explain why. The case for launching a digital […]

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Gone are the days when the words “mental health” have stigma behind them. Instead, taking care of our mental health is now an active choice for many passionate course creators who are also running service-based businesses. Confession time! While building out my own digital program, I was served intense feelings of burnout with a side […]

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Does this sound familiar? You want to write a course, you have many ideas in your head, but you don’t know how to get them all out. You search the web for tips on how to begin organizing your thoughts, and you see every course writing expert talk about something called “brain dumping”. Brain dumping […]

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